Winter 2015-2016

Tea Room is the gathering of seasonal presents: natural and man-made.

Archive: Tea Room

Winter 2015-2016

Seasonal Presents: Natural

Winter has received the gift from Autumn. The warm color leaves are the precious gift from Autumn.

The warm color emphasizes the clear Blue sky.

Oak Leaves Oak Leaves

The Green limes are special fruits in Winter. The color Green of both the leaves and the fruits contrasts with the colored leaves of deciduous trees this time of year.

As the fruits grow, the color becomes a lighter Green.

Lime Fruits  Lime Fruits (2) Lime Fruits

This Winter brought some rainy days.

The Green nature seems happy with the rain. The grass began growing.

The rain is a gift from nature. It is beautiful to see the refreshed evergreen.

The colored leaves are still seen on the tree and they bring a sense of warmth in Winter. It is beautiful to see the warm color leaves and the rain drops together.

Japanese Maple Winter (1)  Japanese Maple Winter (2)

Japanese Maple Winter (3)  Japanese Maple Winter (4) Japanese Maple

The buds of Magnolia heptapeta start opening their shell to come out after rainy days.

Magnolia heptapeta (1)  Magnolia heptapeta (2) Magnolia Heptapeta

In a Winter morning, the sky shows beautiful colors along with the mountains and trees. The layers of natural elements bring a precious moment.

Winter 2016 (1) San Mateo County California

The color Blue embraces all.

The Blue sky embraces all being in nature.

The Clear Blue sky emphasizes the beauty of withe flowers.

Magnolia (2)  Magnolia (3) Magnolia Heptapeta

After the rain, the wild flowers start opening.

The Blue flowers introduce Spring, along with the bright sunlight.

Cynoglossum Grande (1) Cynoglossum Grande

After the warm days, it is a nice surprise to see the hail on the ground in the early morning. The clear ice in round form is beautiful. It is the gift from nature.

Hail (1) Hail in San Mateo County California

At the end of Winter, the new buds start appearing.

It is a delightful moment to see the new buds. It is the introduction to Spring.

New Leaves (1)  New Leaves (2) New Buds of Japanese Maple

Seasonal Presents: Man-made

The pear fruit is a gift from Autumn.

The poached pear becomes a gift in Winter, especially with the warm color. The delicate light red color is given by raspberries.

Poached Pear Poached Pear

The snowflake is a precious gift.

The feathery ice gives a sense of pureness.

This cotton snowflake gives a sense of warmth in Winter.

Snowflake Snowflake Wreath

The freshly baked croissants are the heartwarming delight in Winter. The croissants are made with the special French butter “Isigny Beurre de Baratte“. Its sweet scent brings delightfulness while its sweetness remains in the mouth.

Petit Croissants Petits Croissants

This Levain Bread is brought with the starter made by the author. It has full favor of wheat, and it is a gift from nature.

Levain Bread (1) Levain Bread

The Seasonal Presents: Man-made is designed and made by the author.